Dear Albert Einstein Academy community, Albert Einstein Academy are thrilled to announce our new app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple App Store. Download for Android Download for iPhone
3 months ago, Albert Einstein Academy
It's everything from your district  in your pocket.  News Events Documents Staff Dining Notifications Download the district's app from the ios app store or android play store and enable notifications (pictures of the app)
Looking for a new educational environment?! Come check out our school next week. Our Strongsville Campus will have an info night for new families on 6.11.24 and Lakewood Campus will have guests on 6.12.24. We look forward to seeing you there! We offer small class sizes, individualized learning, special education programming and are tuition free grades K-12.
3 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
aea summer information nights, Strongsville campus 6.11.24 @ 6pm 20566 Albion Rd 44149. Lakewood campus 6.12.24 @ 6p 14725 Detroit Ave, 44107.
We have a new Website and App! Our website address has not changed, but you will see big changes when you go to We also have an app that will allow you to have push notifications set on your phone so that you can get the information you need without missing a beat! We hope you enjoy what we feel is a more convenient and easy way to get the information you need now.
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
It's everything Albert Einstein Academy, in your pocket
More first grade zoo fun from the last week of school. Ms. Adams class had a blast!
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
students at the zoo
Happy PRIDE! Come say hi at the AEA booth in mall B today if you're at the parade!
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
marching at the pride parade
pride booth
pride parade
pride parade
School is officially out for SUMMER! We hope everyone has a safe and fun time off and we are looking forward to seeing all the smiles back on AUGUST 21, 2024. Keep an eye on social media and the website for updates and things happening over the summer.
3 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
School alarm off summer break alarm on
Lakewood staff and students are wrapping up the year in Art by making their own crowns!
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
students and staff wearing crowns
Congratulations to our May Teachers of the Month, Mr. Zelenka and Mr. Saxer. We appreciate all that you do each day of the students and the buildings.
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
Congratulations teacher of the month Mr. Saxer Strongsville Campus
Congratulations teacher of the month Mr. Zelenka Lakewood Campus
Carnival day was a ton of fun for middle school students in Strongsville. Filled with lunch, snacks, games, prizes and parent volunteers. A special congrats to the Volleyball Tournament Champs! They served, rallied and spiked their way to victory, undefeated! So many great memories created at this event!
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
students at carnival day
students and staff at carnival day
students at carnival day
students at carnival day
students and staff at carnival day
The Strongsville First Graders had a great time at the zoo today!
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
students at the zoo
students at the zoo
students at the zoo
students at the zoo
students at the zoo
students at the zoo
The 8th grade College and Career Class participated in a visit to the I Heart Radio building recently. Jeremiah from 96.5 gave them a tour and the students will be answering questions from one of his contests all week at 2:30pm. The day wrapped up with a picnic at Edgewater Park.
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
students at I heart radio
students at I heart radio
students at I heart radio and the park
Strongsville students participated in a talent show last Friday! They were all stars!!
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
students and staff at the talent show
students participating in the talent show
students participating at the talent show
students participating at the talent show
Congratulations to the AEA Class of 2024!
3 months ago, AEA Ohio
graduates tossing caps
Second graders got to take a brain break this week to enjoy listening to Mr. Don as he showed off his music skills!
4 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
students listening to a staff member play guitar
students listening to a staff member play guitar
AEA's Valedictorian, Makayla, had the opportunity to participate in the Best of Class video recently. It will be featured on WEWS Channel 5 News! Congrats to Makayla and all the other graduates!
4 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
students at the best of class presentation on a stage
student in front of balloon backdrop
We hope all the Mother's in the AEA Family have a wonderful day today!
4 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
Happy Mother's Day
A little rain didn't stop the Strongsville Seniors from a good time! Burgers, dogs, games and families made for a fun afternoon of celebration!
4 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
group eating lunch
families and seniors eating
playing a beanbag toss game
student playing a game
student and parent at lunch
4 images of students in front of congratulations sign
staff at the food table and grill
AEA Lakewood Teachers enjoyed some snacks from the Rocket Fuel cart, continuing teacher appreciation week!
4 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
teachers with cart and snacks
teachers with cart and snacks
Lakewood students showed off their talents yesterday! Students sang, played the ukulele, the mandolin, and guitar. The drama club also performed their skit!
4 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
students in a classroom
student and teacher
student playing ukulele
student playing guitar
student playing an instrument
student in a classroom
The Lakewood Admin Team blasted off staff appreciation week with an "out of this world" breakfast to show how stellar they are!
4 months ago, Michelle Petrillo
teachers gathered for a picture
AEA teachers are out of this world